Face to face Coaching A journey to find yourself to see, to feel and to perceive you in your diversity with your different proportions.to stay in contact even throughout challenges with you and your fellow men.to define your goals, to recognize your talents and opportunities to achieve your to discover the visionary within you.to experience and to realize that everything you need is inside of you! Why me? Because I accompany your change processes in a safe environment .promote your self-competencies through real contact with you.make your personality and your potential visible with ease and joy.authentically open your solution spaces with you.will support you in times of fear of flying, stage fright and tests. How to achieve your goals? Personal profile and system analysisDefinition of goals and milestonesResource workChange of perspectivesSystemic workAwareness exercisesDevelopment of strategiesWingwave ® coachingandsoforth How do we plan our journey together? You determine your travel destination, your travel pace and the stops (milestones).You take responsibility for reaching your goals.I take responsibility for the coaching process.Important to me throughout the coaching process is to work with you at eye level, to give you space and time for talking, feelings and perception.A translater will be present to ensure high quality conversation. Where does the journey take place? In my officeOnlineIn nature